Finnish War Veterans in BC
British Columbia’s Sotaveteraanit group provides social contact, fellowship, entertainment, and support for Finnish War Veterans and their supporting membership. The Group remembers and pays tribute to their fallen comrades in arms while keeping Finland’s Independence story alive.
Meetings are held every 2nd Wednesday of the month, at 12:00 at the Scandinavian Community Centre (currently suspended due to COVID-19)
Esko Kajander
[email protected]
Peter Mokkonen
Support Membership is available for $10/year payable by cheque to Finnish War Veterans in BC c/o Sirpa Arvonen 809 Ioco Road, Port Moody, BC V3H 2W7
Allowance and support applications for widows and spouses of war Veterans to be sent to the Finnish War Veterans Association in Finland through the Finnish War Veterans in Canada. Social counseling also handles other matters concerning veterans in Western Canada. For more information please contact Sirpa Arvonen 604-202-1132 [email protected]
(Sotaveteraanileskien ja puolisoiden avustus ja tukihakemukset, jotka tulee lähettää Kanadaan piirin kautta suomen sotaveteraaniliittoon suomeen. Näiden lisäksi sosialineuvoja hoitaa muutkin veteraaneja koskevat asiat Länsi-Kanadassa. Sirpa Arvonen 604-202-1132 [email protected])
The annual events for the Finnish War Veterans in BC are:
- Closest Sunday to March 13 – End of the Winter War (Church Service)
- Closest Sunday to April 27 – National Veterans’ Day (Church Service)
- August’s monthly meeting is a Summer Picnic
- Closest Sunday to December 6th – Independence Day (Church Service)
- Attendance of the Independence Day Dinner on the 6th of December (organized by Finland House Society)
- December’s monthly meeting includes Christmas Party and Lunch
We provide a Flag Guard and Wreath Escort at all the Church Services as well as for all Veterans’ Funerals and Memorial Services.
From the Front to the West Coast is book by Leena Kelly, which tells the story of a country, Finland, at war as told through the experiences of veterans. The book starts off with the Winter War, and continues on to the two other wars that followed, revealing history through personal experience as well as the consequences to the country as a whole; tragedy and hope. However, after the war, these veterans left the country they had so fiercely defended to start a new life in Canada. This unique project, a historical snapshot, searches for answers as to why they left Finland for Canada. Did the wars influence their decision? Despite the seriousness of the topic, sprinklings of humour in the stories lighten the mood.
For more information, visit: